
Monday, March 1, 2010

UFO Deception

We have talked and blogged on this in the past, but we will do it again...because it is becoming more and more convincing every day.

First off, I will start with the background that we believe (and have said all along) that some of Satan's fallen angels are currently masquerading around as "aliens", pretending to be from distant planets. Yes, millions of people are truly seeing something....but it's not what they think it is.

Now today, the top Rapture information website, Rapture Ready, is talking about the Last Days deception that is promised in 2 Thessalonians....and saying that UFO's and aliens could play a big part in that coming deception.

With the way psychologically and demonically paved for there to be a massive UFO invasion during the Tribulation, millions looking for explanation of why their world is upside-down will undoubtedly readily believe such a lie--the lie telling them that the ETs who have just removed millions of rebels from earth are now come to rescue the world from oblivion.

Read it here;

Make sure to scroll down to the 2nd half of the page titled, "The Lie"


  1. Dennis - I was listening to Chuck Missler today, the audio regarding "Return of the Nephilim" and he made this statement "I speculate that the Antichrist will say that he has had communication with alliens (aka: Fallen Angels) or he will be an allien" He also quoted Luke 21:26 Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. But i am still a bit confused in that isn't Luke talking about the 70 AD desolation. Will Christains see fallen angels before are raptured. My thought is that we are raptured befor the alliens show up, won't the Jews then know that they denied their Masiah and know not to be desieved by the antichrist?? More inportantly - Thank you for keeping this blog. For God's Glory!

  2. I love Chuck Missler and yes, he is all about telling the story of fallen angels pretending to be aliens.

    I hope and pray that we will be raptured before this all takes place. I know the Bible tells us clearly that the Holy Spirit will be removed BEFORE the Antichrist is if Antichrist turns out to be an "alien" (which actually makes some sense) we will not know it.

    As far as your comments go regarding the Jews and Israel...the Bible is clear that they will be decieved. That's why Antichrist is able to go into the Holy of Holies (3rd temple) and declare himself to be god. It's ONLY when he does this that the Jews will realize they've been go read Matthew 24 and realize that Jesus is talking to those Jews. He tells them to "Run!" Don't even go back home for a coat...pray you aren't nursing or that it happens in bad weather...because once that day happens the Antichrist will turn on the Jews in an instant and start butchering them all.
