
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jews to be Singled Out

Some weeks ago the #2 guy in Hamas was in Dubai on business and was assassinated in his Dubai hotel room. The entire hit squad was caught on tape coming and going all over the hotel. The initial finger pointing went to Israel...but there are lots of fishy things going on with passports, names, countries of origin, etc...

So it could have been a hit from Israel's intelligence agency...or it could have been a hit by some Arab operatives who want to frame Israel and further turn the world against Israel.

We will have to wait and see what comes out.

But the case today took an interesting turn when the Dubai police said they would seek an arrest warrant on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That would be similar to Afghanistan issuing an arrest warrant on President Obama for the civilians killed by drone missiles.

But this one sentence really caught my attention;
Tamim (Dubai's police chief) also said Dubai now would closely inspect Western passports and that Jews would be "singled out."

Can you even imagine what the Muslim outrage would be if the USA said; "Because all the terrorists of the world seem to be Arab Muslims, all Arabs will be singled out for searching at all airports around the country."

Honestly folks, the Muslims of the world would already be lighting stuff on fire and burning Obama in effigy. There would be loud protests from every Muslim group from around the world and the USA would have to back down and issue the largest apology ever recorded.

But because it is Muslims who are doing the singling out of one will dare say a word.

Read article here;

The double standards of Muslims around the world is absolutely astonishing. They want the right to build mosques in Switzerland with Minarets reaching the sky....but Saudi Arabia won't even allow a Bible to come on board Saudi planes.

When will the Western free world finally stand up and say, "99.99% of terrorist attacks are committed by Arab males in the name of Allah, who are between the ages of 18 and from now on we are going to single them out for special security searches and let all the old ladies from Iowa walk right on the plane." would be the right thing to do.

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