
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

War is "Very" Near

The enemies of Israel seem to be gathering and cooperating on a fairly fast pace. Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Lebonon, Syria....they all seem to be itching for a fight with Israel.

JERUSALEM – Egypt is concerned Israel could be in a conflict in the very near future with Syria or the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, a senior Egyptian security official told WND.

The security official said in any future war with Syria or Hezbollah, both actors have been preparing to storm the Israeli border with guerillas and commandos, an act unseen here since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the last conflict in which Syria was openly involved.

You can read it here;

Remember folks....the next war that breaks out in the Middle East WILL affect all of us. But take heart because all these things MUST happen...says Jesus.

So encourage each other with these words.

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