
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Settlements Aren't the Problem

The Wall Street Journal has more articles on Israel today...including the front page.

In the Opinion section, columnist Bret Stephens wrote an article titled, THE SETTLEMENTS AREN'T THE PROBLEM.

So it would be a splendid thing for Israel to tear down its settlements, put the settlers behind its pre-1967 borders and finally reach the peace deal with the Palestinians that has been so elusive for so long.

Except for one problem: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't territorial. It's existential. Israelis are now broadly prepared to live with a Palestinian state along their borders. Palestinians are not yet willing to live with a Jewish state along theirs.

Read it here;

And that has been the problem all along.... Arabs have not been willing to live along side the Jews.

But yet we are forcing the Israelis to make peace with people who don't want it. What chances do we have of that working?

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