
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Supernaturally Illogical

Many times in conversation we have said, "When you see something that lacks all sense of logic, there may be a supernatural force behind it."
Now get a magnifying glass out and see if you can see a teeny-tiny red dot in the middle of this map. If you can....that is the country of Israel.
Now look at all the countries in green surrounding it. Those countries are controlled my Muslim majorities and/or governments.
These countries shaded in green share a desire to have Israel gone. They don't even want that teeny-tiny land to exist ANYWHERE.
And here is the illogical part....Israel has a few hundred thousand Arab-Muslims who call themselves "Palestinians". And for the past 60 years they have been living in poverty, many in refugee camps. Many of the Arabs who lost their claim to the land 40-60 years ago in Arab led wars against Israel...are now dead. It is their kids and grand kids who continue to demand land from Israel. They have been repeating the lies for so long now...that the world is starting to believe that Israel is the country that should offer them land for peace.
Now look at the map again. With millions of square miles of land totally surrounding Israel that should be more than welcoming to a few hundred thousand Arabs that claim they want peace....shouldn't the Arab world have been able to solve this "refugee" problem long ago? After all, they are the ones who caused the Arab refugee problem...not Israel.
And now we have team Obama twisting Israel's arm to give up land.
Does this strike anyone else as being totally illogical?
Do we all then understand where the supernatural desire to terminate the tiny red dot comes from?

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