
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Armageddon Next Door

This article appeared in the Los Angeles Times today and is titled WHEN ARMAGEDDON LIVES NEXT DOOR. Sure is lots of talk about the end of days...that's for sure.

It's written by an expert and author on Arab/Israeli wars and he is obviously not happy with Obama's attempt to deal with Iran.

I take it personally: Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, wants to murder me, my family and my people. Day in, day out, he announces the imminent demise of the "Zionist regime," by which he means Israel. And day in, day out, his scientists and technicians are advancing toward the atomic weaponry that will enable him to bring this about.

Granted, Obama has indeed tried to mobilize the international community for sanctions. But it has been a hopeless task, given the selfishness and shortsightedness of governments and peoples. Sanctions were supposed to kick in in autumn 2009; then it was December; now it is sometime late this year. Obama is still pushing the rock up the hill -- and Ahmadinejad, understandably, has taken to publicly scoffing at the West and its "sanctions."

See it here;,0,6295075.story?track=rss

As we said earlier today and this guy confirms....for Israel the clock is ticking....and I doubt they are going to wait much longer for Obama and the world to deal with the threats sitting on Israel's front porch.

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