
Friday, April 16, 2010

Pray for Inflation

The world continues to wonder about the foundation of our financial system.

As we have been saying all along, the only option that the Federal Reserve currently has is to flood the economy with dollars in hopes that the consumer engine fires up once again.

Of course with every dollar they print and scatter on the street...the dollars that you and I already have in savings become worth less and less.

Everyone thinks the Fed's job is to fight inflation, but right now the Fed is actually doing everything it can to cause inflation.

It part to help the economy get cranking again. Inflation provides an incentive for people to spend cash rather than saving it, because if they save it, the cash will lose value rapidly.

And of course, those who have been responsible with their finances and avoided huge debts and have actually saved money....will bear the burden of the Fed's plan.

So inflation is an important tool in getting us out of this mess. It's painful and unfair--those who have been responsible and saved money will pay the price for those who borrowed money, racked up huge debts, and spent more than they could afford. But it's what the Fed is (quietly) aiming for.

Watch video/article here;'s-our-only-hope-464142.html?tickers=%5Edji,%5Egspc,spy,dia,udn,tip&sec=topStories&pos=9&asset=&ccode

Oh yeah....the article is titled; PRAY FOR INFLATION; IT'S OUR ONLY HOPE

That title has all sorts of prophecy built right in.

Hat tip to Mike S.

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