
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day (insert smirk here), we have an article in the Wall Street Journal that with the title: ENVIRONMENTALISM AS RELIGION

As you read the article you will pick up some prophetic points.

Many observers have made the point that environmentalism is eerily close to a religious belief system, since it includes creation stories and ideas of original sin. But there is another sense in which environmentalism is becoming more and more like a religion: It provides its adherents with an identity.

But scientists, particularly evolutionary psychologists, have identified another function of religion in addition to its function of explaining the world. Religion often supplements or replaces the tribalism that is an innate part of our evolved nature.

It is this identity-creating function that environmentalism provides. As the world becomes less religious, people can define themselves as being Green rather than being Christian or Jewish.

See it here;'s_Most_Popular

The Bible tells us that man was created to worship. God tells us clearly to worship Him and Him alone. But Satan has been confusing us since creation and has most inhabitants of earth convinced that they should worship something it themselves, the moon, sun, stars...or earth.

These are all false religions because their adherents worship the CREATED instead of the CREATOR.

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