
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weakness Will Cause War

One of the tragic faults of liberals is that they believe that being nice to everyone will automatically mean that everyone will be nice to you. It goes back to that time honored saying..."Do unto others what you would have them do unto you."

The only problem is that this rule doesn't work on the Satanically controlled planet earth on which we find ourselves. The main rule on this planet seems to be, "Destroy anyone who is weak so we can take all their stuff and make them our slaves." (sounds like a Satanic rule, right?)

When Obama took office he was going to turn over a new leaf with Iran. He was going to extend an open hand while they unclenched their fist.

It appears that this policy has resulted in Iran keeping it's fist shut while holding up their middle finder towards our new Commander in Chief.

Today's headline coming out of Israel is this;
Iranian Spy for CIA: ‘Weak West’ Will Cause War with Iran

The American-led "engagement” policies towards Iran is going to result in the very war it wants to prevent, according to an Iranian CIA spy. He says the only way to prevent a possible nuclear war with Iran is to attack the country now.

He reasoned that the West is "dragging out” its attempts to place harsher sanctions on Iran and “is not dealing with it the way they should. One thing they could do very simply is cut off shipping lines—all airspace and shipping lines closed to everything coming into Iran and going out of Iran,” which is an act of war.

“Let it be an act of war.” he said. “You've got two choices: Either take out the [Revolutionary] Guard right now, or wait until they have a bomb. It's a matter of who takes the more serious step. Let it be an act of war and let's see what Iran does. Give them a deadline. No one has taken a serious stand to see if they will back down, and unless you do, they're going to become a nuclear-armed state.

See it here;

It's kind of ironic that Obama was elected by the "no more war!" crowd and he promised to get us out of all conflicts. Today we are even deeper in Afghanistan and there are more wars brewing...and the world is a much more dangerous place.

Liberals need to understand that when America is extremely strong and unafraid to use its power....the world is actually a safer place.

It is only when whackos like North Korea's leader and religious despots like Iran's leader, believe that America is weak and has no stomach for bloodshed....that they become emboldened to issue dangerous threats. Who dares to stand up to them?

When Jesus Christ finally comes after The Tribulation to sit on the throne of David, we are told he will rule with an iron rod. When the humans on earth sin...they will be discovered immediately and dealt with by Christ ushering swift and exact punishment using His iron rod. Then, for the first time, the world will witness the perfect distribution of punishment for the fulfillment of justice.

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