
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fear and Foreboding

This article does well to sum up the mood that has currently settled on the middle east.

The Middle East is full of talk of war. Not today, tomorrow or perhaps even next year but the horizon is dark, and people who have to live with the Middle East's grim collection of smouldering problems are finding it hard to look ahead with anything other than foreboding.

By the end of this year, if sanctions have not persuaded Iran to stop what many countries insist is a nuclear weapons programme, the war party in Israel will be pushing for military action.

South Lebanon is once again looking like a tinderbox.

Insults and threats have been bandied back and forth between Syria, Israel and Hezbollah.
In Washington DC, where I have been this week, analysts say Syria has been shipping bigger and better weapons to Hezbollah, its Lebanese ally.

Now pay close attention here;

And then there is the crisis between the United States, Israel and the Palestinians.
Benjamin Netanyahu's disastrous visit to Washington DC has exposed just how bad this crisis and current US-Israeli relations are.

What is even more serious is that it is centred on the future of Jerusalem, which is about the single most emotive issue in the entire Middle East.

See it here;

How many prophetic "watch" signs can you see in this one article? Let's see.....war and rumors of war, curse those who curse you, Jerusalem a cup of trembling, Isaiah 17, Psalm 83.

Something big is about to give birth. As Jesus says, "Pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able (instead?) to stand before the Son of Man."

Remember friends.....salvation is not graded on a is only pass or fail. It's very clear,... the last generation will either go THROUGH THE TRIBULATION or STAND BEFORE THE SON OF MAN.

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