
Monday, April 5, 2010

Pets Left Behind in Rapture

In the previous post we just made about Los Angeles running out of of the other top stories in the "Most popular stories" section of Business Week, had this headline;
Caring for Pets Left Behind by the Rapture

Many people in the U.S.—perhaps 20 million to 40 million—believe there will be a Second Coming in their lifetimes, followed by the Rapture . In this event, they say, the righteous will be spirited away to a better place while the godless remain on Earth. But what will become of all the pets?

Bart Centre, 61, a retired retail executive in New Hampshire, says many people are troubled by this question, and he wants to help. He started a service called Eternal Earth-Bound Pets that promises to rescue and care for animals left behind by the saved.

The rescuers won't know the precise location of the animals until the Rapture arrives, at which time they will contact Centre for instructions. "I've got to get to [the pets] within a maximum of 18 to 24 hours. We really don't want them to wait more than a day." A day she believes will never come.

See it here;

Wow....a day she believe will never come. Just as Jesus will come like the flood of Noah...and billions will wonder what just they are swept away into The Tribulation.

I do have one question for any "Christians" who have signed up for this service; Have you spent as much time, effort and money trying to save souls for Christ as you have spent time, effort and money caring for your pets?

Let's all think about that one....and look real hard in the mirror...before we answer.

P.S. Please notice the first paragraph of this article in which the author says there will be a second coming....followed by the rapture. He has his facts's rapture, followed by wrath of God....THEN the second coming.

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