
Friday, April 9, 2010

Netanyahu Cancels Trip

Israeli Prime Minister was planning on attending a conference in Washington D.C., hosted by Obama, and was going to join in the discussion about nukes getting into the wrong hands.

He has since cancelled the trip after learning Arab may have been planning on using the meeting to hammer Israel.

He made the decision after learning Egypt and Turkey intended to raise the issue of Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal at the conference, a senior government official said on Friday.

Israel is believed to be the only nuclear-armed power in the Middle East but has never confirmed or denied that it possesses atomic weapons. It has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, or NPT.

Netanyahu saw Obama at the White House late last month for talks on the stalled Middle East peace process with the
Palestinians, but they failed to see eye to eye and relations between the two leaders remain at a low ebb.

The article goes on to talk about more about the "low ebb" between Israel and Obama.

In New Orleans, hundreds of party loyalists at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference applauded when they were informed Netanyahu had just cancelled his visit to Washington.

At the gathering,
Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, blasted Obama for his "shabby" treatment of Netanyahu at the White House recently, saying it was "disgraceful."

She added: "Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East and one of our strongest allies anywhere around this globe. And
President Obama is playing a reckless game of continuing down the path of diminishing America's ties to Israel."

See it here;

Amen Liz Cheney! President Obama IS playing a reckless game! And if he soon doesn't change course....the USA may start to see even more cursing from God.

I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.....says God.

Hat tip to Jennie D.

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