
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Three Days

Experts in California are asking their residents.....Could you survive for three days if all services like food, water, electricity, cell phones, etc...were shut down?

Funny....we have been advocating to our adult ed class that everyone start setting aside some food and water. Why? Because it is simply common sense to NOT ASSUME that Cub Foods will be open 24 hours per day if a really big catastrophe hits. And even more important...if you have a ton of food set aside, you may be able to share it with your neighbors during a catastrophe and lead them to Christ while sharing your food.

There seems to have been an abundance of earthquakes of late. Which prompts experts to utter this warming: Three days.

It doesn’t sound like very much time, but could you survive for three days without water, food or power? Add to that short list cell phones, communication, news, medical attention, shelter anda change of clothes. Three days. Could you do it? Are you prepared to live without any of the aforementioned items?

Most of us aren’t. But that’s how long one might expect to go without the basics for survival and communication in the event of a major earthquake, says Jose Restrepo. The UCSD Professor of structural engineering has just returned to San Diego from Chile, where an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck on February 27. In 90 seconds, the earthquake caused enough damage for President Michelle Bachelet to declare a state of catastrophe.

See it here;

Have we really gotten to the point where "experts" have to tell all of us sheep to make sure we can care for ourselves for three days? Apparently so.

And that's how a Nanny State happens....not all at once, but over the course of decades. The government first starts handing out a little food, then a little shelter, then a little clothing, then a little free education,...and before you know it, we are all standing around like baby birds with our mouths open saying, "FEED ME, FEED ME!"

Our forefathers who settled Nebraska, Wyoming, the Dakota's,....would be embarrassed to see how helpless and dependent we all have become.

Lord, please open our eyes and remind us of the mission you gave to all of us while on earth....GO and MAKE disciples in all nations. Feed our neighbors, clothe our neighbors and lead them to Christ through those actions. We are sorry that we have ignored this command and handed it over to our government....while all our neighbors are starving for Christ.

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