
Friday, April 30, 2010

Satan Loosed

What happens in a country full of Islamic extremists? If the world would wake up and pay attention, they could look at Somalia and see.

A violent Muslim group, called Al Shabaab, is terrorizing the failed state and it seems to be descending further into chaos...where those with the guns and hatchets make the rules.

When Satan is loosed on an area, the atrocities just keep building.

In February, the group (Al Shabaab) banned the U.N. World Food Program, even though millions rely on food aid for survival.

Music and radio stations have been banned as well as school bells, which were recently declared too Christian by Al Shabaab and their allies.

Stories of the brutal nature of their control over the city's streets make their way through the hospital staff and into the A.U. camp.

Tales of dismemberment, bodies being chopped up and sent back to families, routine executions, even people being skinned alive emanate from neighborhoods closed off to the international community or any form of governance.

Leaning over the wall of a lookout post at the notorious Kilometer Four junction, one soldier points to a minaret. "That's the Red Mosque," he says. "That's where they chop people up."

See it here;

"It's so sad," he says, hanging up on another sinister voice. "They don't know what they are doing. They are just killing their own people."

Question; Who is responsible for killing more Muslims than any other group?

Answer: Other Muslims.

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