
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Israel Stands Out Like Sore Thumb

The world is continuing to isolate Israel. She will soon be standing on her own...and the world will be against her.

The foreshadowing of this prophetic event is all around us.

When Obama hosted a nuclear discussion a few weeks ago....Israel didn't come. Why? Because they have never signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Agreement. Why? Because they have never publicly admitted that they have nukes. Of course, the enemies of Israel would love to have them sign this...which would open up Israel to inspectors....which would most certainly expose their nuclear weapon secret. Israel will NEVER do this. Because she won't, this could be the final trigger that turns the world against her....and labels Israel a "ROGUE" nation.

Press TV: Sir, looking at the NPT as a whole, isn't it time for a tougher stance on countries that are not signatories in order to force them to sign on. I mean what possibility actually exists for such a mechanism?

Steinberg: Well obviously we are talking here about Israel and Israel is the main non-signatory that is clearly a rogue state on the question of nuclear weapons. And so in the case of Israel, I think it is important to realize that they did not do what North Korea did. They made the technological breakthrough, had a test demonstration and then produced a relatively small number of nuclear weapons. Israel has developed a massive nuclear arsenal -- best estimates are 200 nuclear warheads -- all attached to delivery systems that can deploy them against targets anywhere in the region, and this makes no sense whatsoever. At a point where even Russia and the United States have agreed to reductions in nuclear weapons, Israel stands out like a sore thumb. That is of course why Netanyahu would not come to this conference in Washington that President Obama hosted two weeks ago. There have been proposals, Iran has made the proposal. I have heard speeches in New York by Prince Turki bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia making the same proposal that the Middle East should be an absolutely nuclear-weapons-free area and of course that means dismantling the Israeli program and probably the United States would make a promise... a kind of a nuclear umbrella protection for Israel. But yes, cases like Israel stand out like a sore thumb.

And it is one of the biggest single obstacles toward being able to get a viable non-proliferation treaty structure where people feel confident that all nations will be treated equally, rather than having this one ridiculously glaring exception.

Press TV: Thank you very much Mr. Steinberg for joining us from Washington.

See it here;

Soon the world will glare at Israel and wonder how the world can demand Arabs don't have nukes...but America supports Israel's right to have them. It's a double standard that force the world to the brink.

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