
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ahmadinejad Issues Ultimatum to Obama

In a recent post we commented on the fact the Ahmadinejad referred to Obama as a "schoolboy."

In today's news we have the Iranian leader issuing an ultimatum to Obama.

“Mr. Obama must know that this proposal is a historic opportunity ... [Mr. Obama should] know that if this opportunity is lost, I doubt the Iranian nation will give a new chance to this gentleman in the future,” Mr. Ahmadinejad said during a public address at the southern city of Kerman. On May 17, Iran, Turkey and Brazil had signed an agreement entailing the transfer to Turkey of large quantities of Iran’s lightly enriched uranium. In return, Iran would get nuclear fuel to run its medical reactor located in Tehran.

See it here;

Here's the problem folks; in centuries past when a superpower was on stage, be it Rome, England, France, Greece, etc..., they would put down any loose talk or threats to their power IMMEDIATELY. They used this extreme force as an example of their power and it served as a warning to all others who maybe had similar intentions.

Today, America might be a superpower but we have no stomach for war, force or violence. We would rather talk and HOPE our enemies will wake up one day and reward us for how nice we have been to them.

Sadly, that's not how the Prince of the Earth (Satan) has set up the rules.

Of course this will all go down in history EXACTLY as God ordained...and if America is to fall because of our reluctance to use our power...then to God be the glory.

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