
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New International Order

Is a "New International Order" different than a "New World Order"?

I don't know....yet they sound like pretty much the same thing.

Our Commander in Chief Obama gave the speech at West Point on Saturday and had some interesting things to say....some of which we may want to pay close attention to.

On Saturday, President Barack Obama took center stage during graduation ceremonies for the U.S. Military Academy's Class of 2010 and preached his message for the creation of a new "international order" to about 1,000 new officers.

President Obama pledged to shape a new, international order based on global cooperation and partnerships that address not just military, but also economic and environmental challenges.

Obama told the cadets, family members and guests that "all hands are required to solve the world's newest threats: terrorism, the spread of nuclear weapons, climate change and feeding and caring for a growing population."

See it here;

Did you catch that?? Climate change and caring for a growing population?? Is that social justice really what the graduates of West Point are going to be doing? Team Obama can't even shut an oil leak off in the they really believe they are going to control the volcanoes, ocean vents, tidal currents and sun storms? O-MY-GOODNESS!! I know the Bible says that in the last days men will be "given over" to their blinded minds....but I had no idea how fast it would happen! I guess when Jesus said, "it will come like a flood"....we should have taken that at face value.

And you HAVE to love this;

"This was vintage Obama-speak," said former military intelligence officer and police detective Sidney Franes. "Like many of his Democrat Party colleagues, he talks a great fight, but he's a pushover for any tin-pot dictator or political thug."

Of course he is!! And Iran and North Korea can smell his kind a mile a way....and will continue to tell Obama the diplomat exactly what he wants to hear...while going ahead and doing exactly what they want to do.

When will the liberals learn? When will we all realize that God is not a liberal?? God hates evil and sin!! And he would destroy us all were it not the peace that Jesus Christ purchased at a VERY heavy price by shedding his blood!

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker that says, "Jesus would be a Democrat"?? Folks that subscribe to that are going to be VERY surprised when Jesus shows up with a robe covered in blood because He has been treading the wine press of God Almighty.

It all goes back to one simple passage,...."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". And friends, start taking a poll of the people around you, your neighbors, co-workers, relatives, etc... You will very quickly realize that the fear of the Lord is something that is in VERY short supply.

This will be to our detriment.