
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rumors From Korea

The leader of North Korea (aka Gopher in a jumpsuit) has followed a regular pattern over the past 20 years. First off he causes an incident, then the international community rushes to focus their attention on him and asks what he wants. At this point the Gopher usually says he wants cash, grain and some respect. The world gives him his money and then he makes a half hearted apology and isn't heard from for another year or so.

During the Bush Presidency, the Gopher surprised the world and popped a small atomic bomb in a cave somewhere. This really got every one's attention because most didn't even know that he knew how to spin a centrifuge. Of course we gave him billions of dollars, and a few barges of grain if only he would quit playing with nukes...."Pretty please!!"...we begged.

"Well alwighty then, I pwomice not to bwow anyting else up. I sowwy," said the Gopher.

Then last year (May 2009)...true to form...he broke his promise and exploded another nuke.

But now he has really done it. He ordered his military to torpedo a South Korean navy ship. 46 sailors were killed and now South Korea is fighting mad.

Usually at this this time, the Gopher would come forward and say he needs some cash and grain and then apologize for his hasty torpedo decision and disappear for another year.

This time is different. Reports coming out of North Korea are saying that he has put his military on high alert and also is preparing his population for war.

The Chinese can't really do anything because they want the Gopher to stay in power. If he falls, his illiterate, impoverished citizens would come swamping over the border of China and cause all sorts of unknown problems for China. Also if he falls and the North is taken over by South Korea...China would then have a U.S. ally sitting right on their border....and they don't want that.

What a pickle. The nations are in turmoil....that's for sure. Remember that China lost over 1 million soldiers fighting in they are serious about not rolling over on this one.

North Korea reacted to a South Korean anti-submarine exercise early Thursday by saying it would meet "confrontation with confrontation" and war with "all-out war," according to North Korean state-run media.

"Now that the puppet group challenged the DPRK [North Korea] formally and blatantly, the DPRK will react to confrontation with confrontation, and to a war with an all-out war," according the KCNA news agency.

The news agency referred to South Korean leaders as a "group of traitors" and said they would experience "unheard of disastrous consequences" if they misunderstand North Korea's will.

See it here;

I read a liberal article yesterday by an author who didn't understand how any country could be so stupid as to go to war. All it does is burn up wealth and kill our soldiers, she claimed. I would love to hear her idea for what a peace loving nation is supposed to do with North Korea. The Gopher may have another nuclear bomb or two, he has a huge standing army, he is starving his own civilians, some amnesty groups are reporting that there may be as many as 1 million Christians sitting in concentration camps being starved and tortured, and every time we submit to his blackmail threats we make him more emboldened for the next one. What would you do Miss Liberal? Do you believe some coffee and cookies and a warm handshake will turn the Gopher into Prince Charming?

As Christians we should understand that prayers for North Korea could easily topple the Satanic prince that sits over that country and is confusing it's leaders...but honestly, how many American Christians do you think are praying for a change in North Korea on a prolonged and regular basis? If America was full of Holy Spirit filled lovers of Christ and we focused 300,000,000 prayers every single day towards that dark part of the planet...imagine what God could do.

Of course our military can be used by God to bring justice to the oppressed....but just imagine if we truly believed Paul when he said in Ephesians 6, "Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the evil rulers in the heavens...."

And the ONLY way to battle spiritual forces is with prayers from the righteous used to unleash God's army.

Lord, teach us to pray.

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