
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spending Spree for Congress

Friends, let me ask a question. If you made $50,000 per year and you had $50,000 on a credit card and you just found out you might get a pay cut to $25,000.....what would you do? I know we we WOULDN'T do...and that is to go out and spend another $5,000 and put it on the credit card.

But that seems to be EXACTLY what our Congressional leaders are doing....they just went on a spending spree.

As the national debt clock ticked past the ignominious $13 trillion mark overnight, Congress pressed to pass a host of supplemental spending bills to, among other things, fund the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, ramp up security on the U.S.-Mexico border and prevent teacher layoffs.

Taken together, the Democratic-led U.S. Congress is trying to find a way to pass about $300 billion more in unfunded spending before Memorial Day -- a spending spree that rivals anything drunken sailors have been accused of.

The debt-fueled spending would only add to the $13 trillion national debt, which breaks down to $42,000 for the average American.

The spending spree comes three months after President Obama lifted the cap on the amount of money the U.S. can borrow from $12.4 trillion to $14.3 trillion to keep the nation from going into default.

But another intervention may be needed since the administration has projected a $1.56 trillion deficit for the budget year ending Sept. 30 -- a figure likely to grow in the wake of the current spending spree.

See it here;

While America is getting ready to burn....our leaders simply keep fiddling and whistling Dixie...pretending that borrowing money from the Treasury will never be an insurmountable problem.

Remember, when faith in the U.S. government will the value of the U.S. dollars....all of which are backed ONLY by the full faith and confidence in the U.S. government.

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