
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Apple Won't Take Cash

It's being reported today that Apple Computer will not take cash to purchase their new hot product the I-Pad.

Diane Campbell saved up, bit by bit, the $600 required to buy an Apple iPad, but when she showed up at the store with a wad of cash to buy the tablet, she found she was out of luck.

Campbell recalls her visit to the Palo Alto Apple Store: "I had my cash in the backpack and I went up proudly to the counter and told them, 'I would like to purchase an iPad.'"

Apple's sales policy states that the iPad must be purchased by credit or debit card, according to ABC News. No plastic means no tablet, and the Apple employee turned Campbell away.

See it here;

Why is this prophetic? Because the Bible says a day is coming when you need the Mark of the Beast to purchase ANYTHING. Cash will not suffice.

By Apple turning away a lady with cash, it's more foreshadowing of how close we are to that day.

Hat tip to Kim H.

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