
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lame Sanctions...Worthless U.N

Joel Rosenberg, author of Epicenter, sent out his flash email today to update us on the Iranian-Israeli conflict that seems to be coming to a head.

Sounds serious.

Iranian sanctions are not going to the world can't agree that Iran is doing anything wrong that deserves sanctions.

The bad news: the world's major powers have mostly caved. The resolution abandons any hope for the "crippling sanctions" President Obama and Secretary Clinton once vowed to impose. Instead, we're about to see another round of lame, toothless sanctions even as Tehran continues building the Bomb, prepares to annihilate the U.S. and Israel, and prepares for the arrival of the Twelfth Imam and the end of the world.

"This policy is unlikely to succeed," said former U.N. weapons inspector David Kay at a panel discussion in Washington, reported AP. "The real question is what if sanctions fail? What are we to do?"

AP also reported that "Richard Perle, a former Pentagon official, said he doubted sanctions would be effective in stopping Iran and recommended the U.S. back the Iranian opposition as a way of pressing regime change."

War is coming and once again the U.N. Security Council is doing precious little to stop it. God help us all.

As we have been saying, when war does break out in the middle WILL affect us all.

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