
Thursday, May 13, 2010


Have you noticed that mankind has been "baffled" quite a bit as of late?

Last week they were baffled over the sudden 1000 point drop in the stock market. Over the past years they have been baffled over where all the bees have gone. The news this morning is that the oil industry is baffled over how the fail safe system on the oil rig failed and now there are thousands of barrels of oil pouring into the sea every day....and they are baffled at how to fix it.

They are baffled over droughts, baffled over Mideast peace, baffled over earthquakes hitting populace zones, baffled over global temperatures, baffled over suicide bombers, baffled over the global economy, baffled over how to bail out Greece.....the list is simply too long and all this baffling really has us baffled.

But today unleashes a very serious baffle with this headline;
Jupiter loses one of its stripes and scientists are stumped as to why

Jupiter has lost one of its iconic red stripes and scientists are baffled as to why.

The largest planet in our solar system is usually dominated by two dark bands in its atmosphere, with one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere.

However, the most recent images taken by amateur astronomers have revealed the lower stripe known as the Southern Equatorial Belt has disappeared leaving the southern half of the planet looking unusually bare.

The band was present in at the end of last year before Jupiter ducked behind the Sun on its orbit. However, when it emerged three months later the belt had disappeared.

See it here;

OK is a news flash....this belt is HUGE!!! It went all the way around the largest planet in our solar system!! It's not like losing a pair of socks or your car keys!!! It's a belt around Jupiter for crying out loud!!


Just remember, the Bible is VERY clear that there will be strange signs in the skies during the Tribulation on earth. Those strange signs will become TERRIFYING to those left behind.

Is it possible we are seeing the foreshadowing of those prophesied strange signs?

1 comment:

  1. Ijust saw this morning that has this story too. What's funny to me is that the word "theory" is in the story try to explain the reason why it is missing.

    see it here:|main|dl1|link3|
