
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Russia/Turkey Pact

Today there is more news about what Russia and Turkey were talking about a few days ago in Damascus, and the headline is this;
Turkey’s Pact With Russia Will Give It Nuclear Plant

In addition to the agreements, the leaders pledged greater diplomatic efforts toward a resolution of the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program and called for stability in the Caucasus, acknowledging the delicate nature of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which both Turkey and Russia are closely monitoring.

Turkey has been a supporter of Iran’s right to develop nuclear energy but strongly opposes nuclear weapons in the region and has been critical of Israel on the matter.

See it here;

So we now know for certain that the Ezekiel 38 coalition is tightening its bonds. And of course they are going to be critical of Israel. The Bible is clear that criticism will turn to coveting and pretty soon they will get an evil idea that they WANT what Israel has and will gather their armies to TAKE it from them.

Of course...they will not be successful.

And one more time can I say....most watchers believe the rapture will happen BEFORE this Ezekiel 38 event if we are seeing the coalition gather for the first time in human history....could the rapture be far away? Are we ready to meet our Lord in the air? Are we excited to meet Him? Have we been using our talents for the kingdom so the master will be pleased with us when He returns?

All good questions that have ETERNAL ramifications.

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