
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Currency Folly

Most of us probably know the name Steve Forbes. He is the president /CEO of Forbes Magazine and also ran for President of the U.S. some time ago.

He recently wrote about the central bankers printing and spreading money around...and the folly of believing that this practice is capable of fixing many of man's ailments.

[T]he notion arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that if wise men could have "flexibility" in issuing money without the constraints of its being tied to the supply of gold, or even silver, they could rid us of financial panics, the business cycle and other human ailments! John Maynard Keynes and others thought that if the economy looked to be slowing you should just churn out more money, like putting more logs on a flickering fire, and do the opposite if things looked to be overheating. But manipulating the amount of money or the cost of it, à la the Fed's fixing interest rates, gets in the way of prosperity. It does not facilitate prosperity but retards it. There is no way a handful of people—wise or unwise—in government and central banks can second-guess what markets made up of billions of people might need. We are living through a disaster that is the result of the latest Greenspan/Bernanke attempts to guide our economic destiny through central bank operations.

Imagine if the government decided to increase the number of minutes in an hour from 60 to 70. You can hear policymakers congratulating themselves: "People will work longer at the same pay. This will be a boon to productivity!" Or if Washington increased the number of inches in a foot from 12 to 15: "Home buyers will thus get more house for the same price and that will stimulate home buying!" Preposterous? It's no more foolish than what we and other countries routinely do with our currencies.

See it here;

Friends...I hope the doomsayers talking about the collapse of our paper money system are all dead wrong. I hope that our money system lasts until Christ returns...and that we will cheerfully be buying campers, houses, boats, and SUV's using our paper money system right up until we hear the trumpet blow.

However....there is a real possibility that the global financial system could collapse when it is revealed how much paper money has been printed...and as Greece, Spain, Portugal problems lead to Europe problems which leads to Japan, China and USA problems. At this point the IMF would step in and take over the entire it is already doing in other shaky countries.

The Bible clearly says that a one world currency is coming. Think about is that going to happen unless all the existing currencies of the world are revealed to be "folly"....and the confidence in the governments issuing such paper falls to zero?

WHEN this happens....we should literally be able to hear the hoof beats of the Antichrist marching onto the stage.

But the GREAT news is that Christ will come for His bride (the church) BEFORE Antichrist actually takes the stage. WE WILL BE GONE IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE!

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