
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

John Bolton Speaks Truth on Iran

We have been hearing rumors for some time that team Obama has been preparing for dealing with a nuclear armed Iran....because it is becoming obvious that Obama would NEVER use military means to deny Iran's nuclear ability.

Of course Iran knows of Obama's unwillingness to use force....and it is emboldening him to speak even harsher rhetoric towards Israel, the West and USA.

Sanctions are a colossal joke as China and Russia will not sign off on Iran has really nothing to fear and everything to gain by pushing ahead with it's nuclear weapons program.

In Congress, sanctions legislation also creaks along, but that too is simply going through the motions. Russia and China have already rejected key proposals to restrict Iran's access to international financial markets and choke off its importation of refined petroleum products, which domestically are in short supply. Any new U.S. legislation will be ignored and evaded, thus rendering it largely symbolic. Even so, President Obama has opposed the legislation, arguing that unilateral U.S. action could derail his Security Council efforts.

We therefore face a stark, unattractive reality. There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran's nuclear fuel cycle and paralyze its program, at least temporarily.

There is no possibility the Obama administration will use force, despite its confused and ever-changing formulation about the military option always being "on the table." That leaves Israel, which the administration is implicitly threatening not to resupply with airplanes and weapons lost in attacking Iran—thereby rendering Israel vulnerable to potential retaliation from Hezbollah and Hamas.

See it here;'s_Most_Popular

And there is the tiny country of Israel....mentioned again. The world is reeling as they try and figure out what to do with Jerusalem and "those Jews".

A showdown is coming....but praise God we know how the story ends!!

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