
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prophecy Explosion

Here are just some of the headlines from today. One could speak for hours in adult ed on JUST THE HEADLINES FROM TODAY!

Iran, Syria, Turkey Cementing TiesIran made a point of declaring its solidarity with both Syria and Turkey in recent days, on the heels of joint Turkish-Syrian military exercises. Turkish and Syrian troops conducted three days of joint military drills and exercises last week, in the latest manifestation of the close ties between the two former adversaries. The exercises were aimed at increasing “cooperation and confidence between the land forces of the two countries, and rais[ing] border units' level of training and ability to work together," according to a joint statement.

Is Facebook a deal with the devil?Robert Cailliau, who co-developed the World Wide Web 20 years ago, recently commented in a video why he isn't on Facebook: "I can get in, but I can't get out. I don't know what happens to my data."

The Tripod of TerrorEven with the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Tripod of Terror - Iran, and its terror proxies Hamas and Hezbollah – has the power to prevent any transition towards a quiet state of affairs in the Levant.

Military Intelligence: Hezbollah Scuds tip of iceberg"Weapons are transferred to Hezbollah on a regular basis and this transfer is organized by the Syrian and Iranian regimes. Therefore, it should not be called smuggling of arms to Lebanon – it is organized and official transfer."

Pope All but Endorses Authenticity of Turin ShroudPope Benedict XVI all but gave an outright endorsement of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin on Sunday, calling the cloth that some believe is Christ's burial shroud an icon "written with the blood" of a crucified man.

Will Israel obey God or manThe rabbis have stressed the God-given right of the Jews to the Land. The biblical mandate clearly designates all the territory west of the Jordan River as the home of the Jewish people forever. Prophets called it “an everlasting covenant.” The rabbis claim that the covenant is still in effect following God’s miraculous re-gathering of the Jews and the restoration of their ancient nation.

Bolton: Obama pressuring Israel on nukesFormer US ambassador to the UN John Bolton expressed general concern Tuesday with the US President Barack Obama's pressure on Israel to rid the country of nuclear weapons. "Egypt and the Obama administration are negotiating right now on an Egyptian proposal for a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East, which certainly sounds good," Bolton told Army Radio."Except when you think about it, there is only one country that resolution is targeted at and that is Israel."

Nashville submerged after deadly stormsParts of Nashville, Tennessee, have been evacuated after a levee protecting the southern city sprang a leak. Nashville landmarks like the Country Music Hall of Fame and the symphony centre are surrounded by water. Officials say at least 27 people were killed in three southern states over the weekend.


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