Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Earthquake in Brazil

We were just at a prophecy luncheon and were talking about natural disasters. Some Watchers have concluded that there is a correlation between what country the disaster happened in and how that country has recently been treating Israel.

One thing we talked about was how the leaders of Iran and Turkey (who will be front and center in a bid to destroy Israel) recently met with the leader of Brazil.

When I got back to the office I turned on my computer and see that a strong earthquake recently rumbled Brazil.

See it here; http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.f69d986c82db06f47f55d30c7a78490f.2b1&show_article=1

Could it be a coincidence? Of course it could....but I'll let you decide.

Also we raised the question of poor Poland. Recently they lost many of their country's leaders in a horrific plane crash....and now they have the worst flooding in memory. I look at that and ask myself, "I wonder if Poland is doing or saying something that is anti-Israel?"

I have no idea if they are...but it does make you wonder.


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