
Friday, May 28, 2010

Enemies in Damascus

As we have said, whenever you see Damascus in the news and it's talking about Israel's enemies being housed need to perk up. Isaiah 17 has NOT been fulfilled yet and it may be close.

Satellite photos show that Hizbullah terrorists have been living in armed bases stocked with surface-to-surface missiles in Syria, The Times of London reported Friday.

The photos show the Hizbullah members moving freely at a base in the Syrian city of Adra, near Damascus.

See it here;

Now understand the Hizbullah hates Israel and it hate Jews. In fact they have enough hatred to go well beyond the Jewish race....and here they are just outside of Damascus sitting with their fingers on some big missiles pointed at Israel.

Also concerning was that a Russian sub flying an Iranian flag was seen unloading "stuff" at a port in Lebanon. The spy photos show that the folks doing the unloading were wearing hazmat suits....which could mean that Iran was giving chemical weapons to Hizbullah in Lebanon.

Imagine if Hizbullah gets a wicked idea to put some chemicals into a Scud warhead and launch it into Israel. That could be the final straw that unleashes Isaiah 17.

Remember about 4 years ago when Israel was fighting Hizbullah we saw a quote from an Israeli General being questioned about chemical warfare. He said, "If we even find so much as a dead dog in Israel and discover it died due to chemical weapons...whoever delivered those weapons will be done."

Make no mistake friends, Israel will go nuclear if they find themselves getting showered in chemical weapons. Remember 70 years ago they were forced to take showers under chemical weapons in Auschwitz and other concentration camps....and they WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN.

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