
Friday, May 28, 2010

Bigger Volcano Set to Explode

Have you ever read the book of Revelation and wondered how it could be that the people left on earth could endure all these incredible plagues, judgments, ailments and natural disasters...and STILL refuse to worship God, the Creator of it all? It's like, "People, how could you not get this??"

Have you ever seen a tiny volcano blow up in Iceland and literally shut down the entire airline industry??....and yet mankind is still undisturbed in his quest to save the world from global warming? It's like, "People, how can you not get this?? We aren't in control of ANYTHING on this planet!"

Well, if the tiny volcano didn't seem to wake anybody up...maybe it's big, big brother a few miles away will attempt to wake someone up.

A second, much larger volcano in Iceland is showing signs that it may be about to erupt, scientists have warned.

"Earlier seismic energy release at Katla (Big brother volcano) is associated with the inflation of the volcano, which indicates it is close to failure, although this does not appear to be linked to seismicity around Eyjafjallajökull," it added.

"We conclude that given the high frequency of Katla activity, an eruption in the short term is a strong possibility," the report said. "It is likely to be preceded by new earthquake activity. Presently there is no unusual seismicity under Katla."

Icelandic President Ólafur Grímsson has warned governments around Europe that a significant eruption at the volcano is close. "We [Iceland] have prepared ... it is high time for European governments and airline authorities all over Europe and the world to start planning for the eventual Katla eruption," he said.

See it here;

Of course this WILL happen....we just don't know when.

But with oil gushing out of an unstoppable well, North Korea and South Korea on the brink, Israel and it's enemies on the brink of war, Pakistan starting to burn, Jamaica starting to unravel, earthquakes in various places, unseen flooding overtaking Poland, Europe on the edge of a financial meltdown, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the USA on the edge of financial wouldn't surprise me to see this volcano pop sooner than later.

Afterall Mr. Murphy had a law about's called Murphy's Law. (What can go wrong will go wrong)

Certainly, the nations are in turmoil. I wonder how many will turn to God when they humble themselves and realize they are in control of NOTHING?

To God be the glory!

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