
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Give Peace a Chance

Below I will post a 9 minute video that features the director of The Temple Institute in Jerusalem.

Remember, there have only been 2 temples in Jerusalem, but the Bible is clear there will be a 3rd...and this will be the one that the Antichrist sits in and proclaims himself as God and demands to be worshiped.

As Christians we know that the 3rd temple will be destroyed and Jesus Christ himself will build the 4th temple....also called the Millennial Temple since it will exist during the Millennium. BUT the Jews don't know the New Testament so they don't know the REST OF THE STORY.

As you watch this video listen to the Rabbi saying that the 3rd temple will be a amazing sign that world peace is about to break out and it will be an unprecedented, amazing period of peace and will usher in the messiah. THEY HAVE IT TOTALLY WRONG AS THEY ARE STILL LIVING IN SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS!

We Christians know that the Antichrist will promise peace and allow the temple to be built....but will then turn on the Jews 3 1/2 years into the peace agreement and will ultimately kill 2/3 of them world wide.

Watching this video is like watching a slow motion train wreck. You just want to yell at the Rabbi and say, "Don't believe the peacemaker who is coming!! He is a liar and a thief and he is only coming to kill and destroy!! Choose Jesus now before it's too late!!!"

Watch it here;

Notice about 2 minutes in the Rabbi says, A lot of people are willing to try anything for peace. As John Lennon said, let's give peace a chance."

No doubt the Jews are being set up for a colossal massacre....just as the Bible says.

Let's pray for the Jews that we know that they will accept Jesus Christ before it's too late.

Hat tip to Kim H.

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