
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Abortion Advertisement

This guy nails it in his discussion about some abortion ads that are soon going to air in Britain.

How appropriate that Britain’s first televised abortion advert, as reported in the Telegraph today, will be broadcast during a game show hosted by Davina McCall which carries the strapline: “Do you want to be given a MILLION pounds live on TV?” How wonderfully dystopian, like something from a 1980s satire on jungle capitalism, such as Robocop or The Running Man. Win a fortune! Have an abortion!

And how odd someone awaking from a 30-year coma might find the values of our country, as reflected in television. You can’t advertise cigarettes at any time or fatty foods during children’s shows, because it might harm the health of children, but you can advertise the killing of unborn children in the middle of a game show. (Likewise you can’t smack your kids, according to the European Court, but you can kill them up to birth if they have a hairlip.)

See it here;

Isn't that amazing?? You can't spank your kid or the government will take your child from you in the UK...but you can kill the baby if it has a hairlip!!

The whole abortion thing is so illogical. On the one hand let's assume a woman had a premature baby and it was in an incubator. A few days later she decides the baby is not going to work into her busy schedule and walks over to the incubator and dismembers and kills the little baby. Of course Matt Lauer and all the anchormen of the world would be going ballistic over how this mother could be so heartless.

On the other hand if the baby is still in the incubator of his mother's stomach....she could have the baby dismembered and killed and Matt Lauer and all the anchormen of the world would have NOTHING to say. In fact they would congratulate America for being such and open and tolerant country that values women and their "reproductive rights".

The right will become wrong and the wrong will become right.

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