
Friday, May 21, 2010

North and South Korea Fling War Talk

This one falls into the category of, "wars and rumors of war"...that Christ told us to watch for as a sign we are close to the Tribulation. Yeah!!!.....That means the rapture is all that much closer!!

Most by now have heard that South Korea had a navy ship sunk a few months ago and after reviewing all the evidence they know it was North Korea that sunk it.

South Korea is talking tough a day after it revealed what it views as irrefutable evidence North Korea sank one of its navy ships. North Korea has threatened war over any retaliation, and says it wants to send a team to inspect the evidence.

The ship, the Cheonan, was ripped in half and sunk by a mysterious explosion in late March, killing 46 South Korean sailors. An international investigative team presented extensive forensic evidence Thursday supporting accusations a North Korean submarine fired a torpedo at the vessel.

On Friday, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young warned North Korea will now face consequences.

"Even in a boxing match," said Kim, "the fighters agree to wear gloves. North Korea has stepped over that limit and for that we will make it pay."

A military reprisal is next to impossible for the South, because it could escalate almost overnight into a much deadlier war. South Korea is taking its case to the United Nations Security Council, which Seoul hopes will agree on a way to punish the North with sanctions or other coordinated action.

See it here;

Let's see...the last time North and South Korea got into a war.... America had 54,000 soldiers killed, South Korea lost 228,000, China and North Korea lost hundreds of thousands. What do you think the body count may be the next time they go at it now that we have bigger guns, and bigger bombs than we did in the 1950's?

Shifting gears a bit....Isn't it amazing how the U.S. tolerance for war deaths has collapsed in the past few decades? In WWII we lost hundreds of thousands of men. A decade later we lost another 54,000. Now when we lose a few soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan we think we have to surrender...why?

The answer may be rather simple. In WWII the entire nation knew we were fighting for our very survival as German subs were spotted in off the coast of New York so we knew we had to crush Hitler in Germany. In Korea we knew that Soviet, Chinese Communism was going to spread and take over the world if the USA didn't stand up and fight it.

Today we have radical Islam threatening the stability of planet earth, but the USA has been too busy shopping and entertaining itself to pay much notice. Also as we have begun to worship longevity, having anyone die for any cause seems to be much too large of sacrifice. The average citizen in the USA seems almost obsessive in figuring out the secret for long life...which disciples of Christ shouldn't truly care too much about.

"The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." Jesus spoke those words. John 12:25

How many of us are looking forward to dying so we can go be with our Savior in heaven? How many of us are ignoring Christ's clear directive and clinging to life on earth with every penny, breath and strength that we have. May it be because deep down we aren't truly sure that there is anything better coming than what we have in this life?

The soldiers fighting in WWII would have been ecstatic to receive orders to leave Germany and come back home.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could be that ecstatic when Christ calls us home with terminal disease, accidents or old age?

Maybe the reason we aren't ecstatic is because so few of us are actually fighting in the spiritual battle that Christ and the apostles so clearly called us to fight. Since we have refused to fight in the war...we find ourselves content and rather happy to sit with the enemy sipping tea and buying crap to entertain and comfort us.

So when the order comes in to come back to our REAL home with our Creator....we aren't so sure we want to leave this place.

Hebrews reminds us that we are just temporary visitors to this earth...and it's truly not our home. "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth."

Do we truly believe we are aliens here doing a mission for Christ behind enemy lines on this Satanic earth? If we don't...maybe we should keep reading our Bibles until we do.

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