
Monday, May 10, 2010

Good News in Euro Land!

After last week's uncertainty surrounding the financial the stock market shot straight up. Why??

Because the European Central bankers unveiled their own version of an Obama bailout! They have now agreed to print $1 Trillion dollars (in Euros of course) themselves to make available to all the countries that use the Euro as money and are in danger of default! (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal)

Will this latest shuffling of paper be the right medicine to prop up the falling god of Mammon?

Let's watch and see.

If I was a betting man, I would go out on a limb here and make a prediction simply based on human nature and history. I predict that the Germans and French will NOT be happy with this bailout because they are a few of the more financially responsible countries and they will start to GREATLY resent having to be on the hook for a bunch of lay-in-the-sun, retire-at-53-with full pension, party like it's 1999...Greeks.

Also just one other thing to watch as interesting. Rome once ruled the world and seriously beat up on the Jews...and today Italy (Rome is in Italy) is one the most bankrupt countries in the Euro.
Greece once ruled the world and beat up on the Jews....and today they are one of the most bankrupt countries in the Euro.
Spain once ruled the world and they also seriously beat up on the Jews and today are one of the most bankrupt countries in the Euro.

Hmmmmm......????? I wonder if that could be a coincidence?

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