
Monday, May 10, 2010

Alien Invasion

The world's smartest man, Stephen Hawking, set off discussion last week in the scientific community of what might happen if aliens visited earth.

Remember, most watchers believe that what the world will believe are aliens from another planet are actually the fallen angels who left their first estate and rebelled with Satan. This would most certainly line up with what scripture says.

Hawking speculated that such aliens would likely be nomads, living in ships after sucking their own planet dry of resources, and hopping from one interstellar refueling station to the next. Earth, he said, shouldn't do anything to encourage their visit.

"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans," he said.

Blair Csuti, a biologist at Oregon State University, defended Hawking's trepidation, arguing that the principles of evolution would have shaped those beings just as they did life on Earth, selecting for self-preserving behavior. "Aliens visiting newly discovered planets, like Earth, would place their own interests above those of unsophisticated indigenous residents."

Robert Ehrlich, a physicist at George Mason University agreed, further imagining that the aliens would be "adaptable robots whose mental processes reflect those of their senders."

See it here;,0,757774.story?track=rss

The fact that scientists are now openly discussing the possibility of visitors from other planets joining us on planet earth....should give all of us pause. How much have we been conditioned by Hollywood to accept strange visitors from other dimensions?

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times (near the end of the Last Days?) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits (channeling and deep meditation?) and things taught by demons (aliens?)" 1 Timothy 4:1

Hat tip Dave G.

1 comment:

  1. Hawking saying "..we shouldn't do anything to encourage them (aliens) to visit." He can't be serious, as that's a bit late! As Coast-to-Coast radio pointed out this week, humans have been broadcasting into space decades with the idea of connecting with beings of another world. Those radio waves continue to reverberate throughout the heavens as we speak.
