
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kill the Messenger

Problems are continuing to grow in Greece....and here is the human nature reason why;
Greece ignored it's bankruptcy-bound spending for years. Now that it is at the end of it's rope, the International Monetary Fund has come in and told them what they HAVE to do today to avoid even more unpleasant results in the future.

And the Greeks will have none of of course instead of blaming their parents, grandparents, themselves, and the folks running the governments for the past decades....they are going to blame the folks who are trying to tell the truth and help them.

Do you think this could happen in California, Illinois, Arizona and Florida...and ultimately affect the entire United States?

Deep inside the august halls of Athens University, the renowned political commentator Paschos Mandravelis will deliver a message this week that until very recently was lost on most Greeks.

His speech will focus on a single fact: that the country in the centre of the storm of Europe's worst crisis since the creation of the common market, missed the biggest story ever – its own looming bankruptcy. "Everyone," he says, "starting with the Greek media, was in an incredible state of denial."

Last week escapism was no longer an option as Greece's debt drama claimed its first lives and the nation, teetering on the brink of economic collapse, erupted into violent protests over unprecedented austerity measures.

But for those on the left, leading the protests with flags emblazoned with the hammer and sickle, the intervention of the IMF has been the tipping point. The majority of Greeks not only see it as the harbinger of harsh economic reforms but the symbol of foreign occupation. For the abundance of conspiracy theorists on both the left and right, its involvement is part of a grander, but seemingly no less implausible, plan to subjugate Greece after draining the country of its resources.

Friends...make a list of the Western and Eastern countries that you KNOW have been ignoring their balance sheets for years...refusing to make the necessary cuts to bring spending in line with income. They invented new ways to borrow money and when that wasn't enough, they "created" it out of thin air. How long do you think that can go on?

We are about to find out.

Also remember what history CLEARLY shows us....when countries refuse to take blame on themselves for the problems they created....they will start to blame someone else. It won't matter who they blame, the Jews, Gypsies, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Blacks, Latinos, foreign countries, foreign banks, etc... It won't matter who they long as they aren't forced to look in the mirror.

And when the blame reaches a fevered enough pitch....they will go to war against their perceived enemy. And yes, the USA will go through the same cycle.

Can we see the writing on the wall?

"There will be wars and rumors or wars....", says Jesus.

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