
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Israel Getting Cornered

We know that the Western world is concerned about a nuclear arms race in the middle east. If Iran gets nukes, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq will also want to acquire nukes....and in a hurry. When that happens, the world will be ten times more dangerous than it already is.

So Syria has come out with an idea....let's make Israel sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty!

Now here's the problem....Israel will NEVER sign it because we all know they ALREADY HAVE NUKES!

But team Obama has a tough row to hoe...because how can they come down hard on Iran's nukes while turning a blind eye on Israel's nukes? Of course you and I know the answer to that...we TRUST that Israel won't do anything stupid or threatening with their nukes....especially toward the USA. On the contrary, Iran is already threatening people with nukes EVEN BEFORE THEY HAVE THEM!

Here's how the Arab news is reporting this development;

Syria called on the international community to seriously work to compel Israel, the only party with nuclear military capacities outside the international supervision, to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open all its nuclear facilities to the international inspection.

Syria submitted on Wednesday a work paper to the NPT conference in New York, calling for putting pressure on Israel to implement the international legitimacy resolutions as a major step towards achieving regional and international peace and security.

The work paper pointed out that the NPT couldn't achieve balance among the three main axes of its goals in stopping the horizontal and vertical proliferation of nuclear weapons, the whole and comprehensive dismantling of all kinds of nuclear weapons and giving countries their whole and inalienable right of using nuclear energy technology in various peaceful applications away from double-standard policy.

The Syrian work paper stressed the need for serious work to make the Middle East region free of nuclear weapons, underlining the importance of not linking this to the issue of achieving just and comprehensive peace in the region.

See it here;

If you think about how the game of chess works, the players maneuver the game pieces in an attempt to work their opponent into "check" (which means their king will be killed unless moved) and "check mate". (which means no matter where they move their king WILL be killed)

Now remember that the Iranians (who support the Syrians) invented the game of chess.

It certainly appears like Israel is being put in "check" by the nations of the world.

And the Bible tells us they will be in "check mate" pretty soon....and only God will be able to deliver them.

What we are watching is the foreshadowing of this coming event.

Praise God (again!) that we know how the story ends.


  1. So, I'm just curious. North Korea hasn't signed the treaty. What are we doing to make them get on board? Or I suppose they've already agreed to it in prriciple, they just haven't dotted their T's and crossed their I's yet.

  2. The NPT is the most widely accepted arms control agreement; only Israel, India, and Pakistan have never been signatories of the Treaty, and North Korea withdrew from the Treaty in 2003.

    Remember, North Korea black mailed us when GWB was president. We paid them like $4 billion dollars of cash and grain if they would cease and desist from building more nukes.

    But now Kim Jong Il is out of cash and grain so he wants some more. He knows that if he simply asks The West for money....he won't get it. So the best way is to go back to his blackmail scheme and rattle the nuclear bombs.

    Since The West has no appetite for war, (and our enemies realize this) we most likely will put together some more cash and grain and send a barge full of it over there in exchange for another empty and unenforceable promise from a psychopath. Neat, huh?

    Pretty much why paying blackmail bribes doesn't work over the long term.
