
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cash Not Welcome

This morning I was watching The Today Show and they were reporting how the Times Square Bomber (radical Muslim from Pakistan) had almost escaped the country and was literally seated on an airplane heading for Dubai. The FBI ordered the plane back to the gate and they went on an arrested this dude.

Yes, that is interesting in and of itself.

Next they had Senator Chuck Schumer come on the show and start to talk about the clues that led to this dude's suspicion and arrest.

One of the most glaring clues, we were told, was that HE PAID CASH FOR HIS AIRPLANE TICKET.

It made me realize how the "mark of the beast" is being foreshadowed... so that if you don't have that will NOT be able to swipe your credit card....and will NOT be able to buy or sell one single thing. Either that or the mark stamped/tattooed/injected on your arm or forehead WILL BE your credit card.

Ask ourselves this question; What else could we purchase today with cash that WOULD MAKE US APPEAR SUSPICIOUS??

As credit cards continue to be the EXPECTED FORM OF PAYMENT in almost everything we buy....expect the use of cash to become more rare...except for the tiniest of purchases OR for purchasing ILLEGAL ITEMS LIKE DRUGS.

In fact the use of cash for illegal purchases and activities will probably be the main reason that Antichrist will make cash illegal to use...after he arises on the world scene to clean up the chaos and anarchy that will have erupted following the rapture of the church.

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