
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Koran--The Elephant in the Room

This morning The Today Show was again trying to figure out how the Times Square Bomber could have been radicalized.

After all, they ponder, he was educated at a fine American college, he had a good job, had bought a house in CT, was married with a few kids, etc.... What could lead this good looking young man to try and blow up America? In their clueless guessing...they wonder aloud if it could have been his despair from having his home in CT foreclosed on. Wow Matt Lauer....really?? If that's the case we better be on the look out for hundreds of folks from Buffalo, MN getting ready to blow up things...because they have been foreclosed on too!!

Next up, they show this dude's apartment that he had rented. They pan around the room looking at what is in it.

Meredith and Matt are looking at the things in the room,..."All we can see here is a bed on the floor, some weights for lifting, a little dining table, a KORAN, and really nothing else."

I jumped out of my chair and screamed at them hoping they could hear me through the TV,... "IT WAS THE WORDS IN THE KORAN THAT MADE HIM WANT TO BLOW UP THINGS!!!"

Of course, even if billions of people start to open their eyes and begin to wonder why all the suicide bombers have one thing in common....the KORAN....we are getting to a point where we will not be able to speak the truth about what is plain to see.


  1. How can it be more obvious???

  2. No doubt! But let's remember, NBC has made it illegal to say the word "Islamic extremist". And most of the world believes the Bible and the Koran are part of the same set of holy they would look at it and say, "EVERY HOTEL ROOM IN THE WORLD HAS A BIBLE IN IT...SO WHY MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT THIS DUDES KORAN?"

    It's all part of the blindness that is coming on the world...foreshadowing of when God himself will sent a great delusion that the world will believe. 2 Thessalonians.
