
Friday, May 7, 2010

More Pressure from Obama

In our previous post we talked about pressure building on Israel and how Zechariah says that any nation that tries to move Israel will injure themselves.

Today we have John Bolton (ex US Ambassador to the UN) claiming that Obama may be in on this scheme to disarm Israel of it's only chance to protect itself from the Arab horde that surrounds her.

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton on Tuesday expressed concern over what he says is pressure being exerted by President Barack Obama on Israel to rid the country of nuclear weapons.

“Egypt and the Obama administration are negotiating right now on an Egyptian proposal for a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East, which certainly sounds good, except when you think about it, there is only
one country that resolution is targeted at and that is Israel,” Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington, told Army Radio.

“When I was in the Bush administration we refused to even talk about these kinds of ideas,” he said. “I’d be quite worried about the possible outcome there.

“The president is not happy with Israel’s nuclear capabilities. I think he would be delighted if Israel gave up its nuclear weapons,” Bolton asserted. “The only unknown answer at this point is exactly how much pressure he would exert on Israel to do just that. Part of that pressure is being exerted right now, by even considering the possibility of a conference on a nuclear-weapons-free Middle East.”

Oh my goodness!! President Obama is "not happy" with Israel's nuclear capabilities?? And the word "pressure" keeps showing up as it relates to U.S. President Obama relating to Israel.

Question; What do you think God meant when he said that nations would injure themselves when they try to move Israel? (Zechariah 12:3) How many ways can you think of that America could be ripped up or ham stringed if we don't quit pressuring (attempting to move) Israel?

Let us count the ways; earthquake in major cities, riots in Los Angeles and other major cities, power grid outages, major terrorist attack, severe storms and flooding, stock market crashes, loss of confidence in the U.S. government and it's treasury....or a combination of all of these things happening all at the same time. Kind of like a perfect storm sent by the Almighty himself.

It will happen....we just don't know exactly when. But today, we are closer than we have EVER been.

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