
Friday, May 7, 2010

Staying Motivated

I plucked this from a men's ministry devotional;

The world says, “You are a religious fanatic.” God says, “You are a loyal son.” The world says, “People think you’re weird.” God says, “I think you’re incredible.” The world says, “You’re no fun.” God says, “I approve of the way you’re living.” The world says, “You’re intolerant and narrow-minded.” Jesus says, “I am the Way, and you will be blessed because you follow Me.”

Personal suffering – the real kind that creates loss for a believer – prompts many Christian men to run for the hills. We have a heart for Jesus, but we have no backbone when the going gets rough.

When God’s man fully identifies with Christ, things might get nasty. To keep us motivated, Jesus says, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven” (Matthew 5:12).

Hat tip James L.


  1. Dennis – Last Sunday in Adult Ed you challenges the attendees to “blow their trumpet” (even just a little bit) this week. Well this morning while watching a news story about some Texas teens that wore tee shirts with American flags printed on them to school on cinco de mayo. These teens where told by the school to turn their shirts inside out because that day for the Mexicans. The conversation that rose between me and the close family member watching the news with me turned into discussion about the 10 commandments being taken from court houses and that “under God” being taken from the pledge. This individual said that this nation was formed sothat there could be “freedom of religion” and that those things should be removed if copies of the Koran where not going to be displayed also. I made the point that this nations founders where also Christians and that the Bill of Right and the Constitution where based form the Bible and that the blindness that the devil has so many under will continue to be blinding unless an individual’s heart is opened. What is sad is that this person that I was talking to professed to be a Christian. This person attends church but doesn’t read the Bible and only prays (by their own admission) only about 3 times a year when they “need God to help them out and they need a favor” Not sure that my trumpet was heard since the conversation swiftly ended once I started to tell the Truth.

  2. Sadly your friend sounds like MOST professing Christians in America. This shouldn't surprise us as Revelation 3 clearly says that the church of Laodicea will be the condition of the "believers" right before Christ returns. It sounds eerily like most of our churches today. "You say 'I am wealthy and don't need a thing'. But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful,poor, blind and naked."

    Again, when a friend of mine says he loves the Lord with all his heart....but has NO interest in the Word of God, NO interest in fellowshipping with other believers, and has NO interest in spreading the Good News....The book of James might question if this person TRULY has the Holy Spirit...or if he just THINKS he does. SCARY!
