
Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Step Closer

The Israeli-Iranian crisis has moved one step closer to igniting.

Even though Iran is supposed to be under "crushing" sanctions laid out the the U.N., Russia will still be allowed to ship the S-300 anti aircraft system to Iran. Iran will use this to defend it's nuclear facilities.

If you were an Israeli general faced with the task of attacking Iranian nuclear facilities....would you want to go BEFORE the system was put in place or AFTER that system was put in place?

A draft U.N. resolution that would impose sanctions on Iran, including limits on global arms transfers, will not block the controversial transfer of Russian S-300 missiles to the Iranian military, according to U.S. and Russian officials.

The Obama administration had opposed the S-300 sale because the system is highly effective against aircraft and some missiles. The CIA has said the S-300 missiles, which have been contracted by Tehran but not delivered, will be used to defend Iranian nuclear facilities.

See it here;

The clock is ticking....and all eyes are on Israel.

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