
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Turkish Aid Pushing Confrontation

Headlines are reporting today that a contingent of Turkish ships has set sail to deliver relief supplies to Gaza. Let's remember that Gaza is part of Israel...and let's also remember that the Arabs have a long history of having guns and bombs hidden in the "relief" ships.

Of course Israel has been stopping all enemy ships attempting to land on Israeli territory to make sure they aren't smuggling weapons.

Of course the world won't view it that way and the hatred towards Israel will continue to build.

You can read the article here;

The really interesting thing is to note the comments that follow this article;
Sun, 23 May 2010 21:07:11 GMT
The enemies of Israel will soon see that they are indeed enemies of the one and only true living god, the mighty maker of the heavens and the earth. His wrath is soon to be poored out upon them and in that day they will know who he is and that the land of Israel and much more belongs to the Jews.

Sun, 23 May 2010 19:25:34 GMT
It matters not what we say here. The perfect prophecies of the Old and New Testements say that once the Jewish nation is reborn in thier land (after the destruction of 70AD) that they will never be removed. It does say that thier enemies will be destroyed, however.
Sun, 23 May 2010 18:42:02 GMT
It is a humanitarian convoy that is building homes for 100,000 homeless people and delivering food and medical equipment. May god help these people and may they come out triumphant..if israel call themselves believers and wish to starve their enemies you are not gods people. Keep brainwashing your people, keep calling your victims terrorists, keep your concentration camps your good planners but god also has a plan and god is the best of planners
Sun, 23 May 2010 14:50:24 GMT
Isreal is acting like a spoiled kid ...Someone should stop them.
Sun, 23 May 2010 15:09:13 GMT
israeli bastards, they are a bunch of nazis.
As you can see....the hatred is going to continue building towards the Jews as the lies that the Arab/Muslims have been telling for 1400 years have begun to be seen as truth to the world.
Truly, in these very last days...truth is in VERY short supply.

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