
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Air Defense in Iran

This latest news could give Israel a few seconds or minutes of breathing room in it's growing conflict with Iran.

MOSCOW — The new UN sanctions prevent Russia from delivering S-300 air-defense missiles to Iran, a Kremlin official said Friday, in a reversal of the position announced by Russia's Foreign Ministry the day before.

The Kremlin statement was sure to please Israel and the United States, which have long urged Russia not to supply the powerful missile system. Russia signed a deal to sell the missiles in 2007, but has delayed their delivery.

See it here;

We have posted a handful of times about this Russian air defense system. A few weeks ago the S-300 system was GOING to be delivered to Iran which had really ratcheted up Israel's timing on any planned attack on Iran.

What all this back and forth does is to keep the world guessing as to what Iran is planning.....but while the world is vacillating....Iran just keeps cooking nukes.

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