
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Most Christians Can't Explain Their Faith

This is a sad commentary on the ignorance of most of us who call ourselves "Christians".

In his 50 years of ministry, McDowell has asked several thousand pastors and leaders how they could be certain Jesus Christ said “I am the truth” and not one of many truths or a truth.

“Not one person has ever given me an intelligent, biblically-based answer,” said the author of The New Evidence that Demands A Verdict.

During the past six years, he asked hundreds of Christians and leaders why they see themselves as Christians. Again no one gave him an "intelligent" answer.

In the past 17 years, he has asked over 4,000 pastors, leaders and parents why they believe the Bible is true.

A mere six “came close to giving an intelligent answer,” McDowell noted.

“If anything is based upon truth, it’s the Christian faith,” he said. “Christians who do not know why they have faith or believe have a very difficult time expressing themselves to others.

"The saddest thing is people come to me and say, ‘What’s the answer?’"

“I say, ‘There’s no answer… There are hundreds of answers.’"

See it here;

How sad that we live in a country that has a Bible in every hotel room, a Christian bookstore on every corner, a church on every corner, a Christian radio station on every dial, a Christian TV station on every cable package.....and yet we are literally starving to death because of Spiritual malnutrition.

Jesus said he would come at an hour when his claimed followers were not expecting it. Do you think this self proclaimed Christian nation would be surprised if Christ returned today? Most don't even know who He is...or anything that He said.


  1. Good work with this blog.

    I've studied the Bible off and on - nowadays mostly on - over 30 years.

    I wish someone had asked me, because when I came to mercy about 30 years ago, I was moved to study the early church when it was predominantly Jewish. Sadly the gentiles do not understand that the Jews are to be the world's object lesson - when the nations learn righteousness - which will reveal the works of God and teach people why they must not desire anything evil, even in secret.

    Alas, the early church taught a physical resurrection for both good and evil alike, and most people don't understand anything about that. For that reason they can't even understand what is in the Bible - a farmer's almanac of souls as it were.

    Once the Jews catch on, things will be explained, but by then Babylon will have gone down in flames at the hands of the beast just as is written.

    Very sad for a lot of people, regarding the faith they proclaim but can not explain.

  2. Thank you for the encouragment....whoever this is. I'm always curious as to how some folks come across this blog as I usually just hand it out to people who have heard me speak at adult ed at our church. How did you come across this site?

    Yes it is pitifully sad how ignorant the church in America is. We are supposed to be light shining bright, and most folks in the pews can't find the book of Matthew.

    Tragically, I believe there will be many who will be left behind when the trumpet blows. They believe they know Jesus...but he doesn't know them.
