
Monday, June 28, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque

Yes it is true. An Islamic Mosque is to be built in downtown New York within yards of Ground Zero.

Of course the Muslims got this pushed through the idiots who sit on the New York City Board by claiming it would be a center for tolerance and understanding....and that it would be something of a memorial for the 3000+ folks who died in those attacks. Can't you just picture the liberals on that board listening to the Muslim proposal saying, "Oh that sounds so tolerant, compassionate and inclusive...we simply LOVE the idea!!"

Notice that Islam has a long history of conquering cities and immediately building a Mosque directly on top of whatever/wherever the people of that city were worshiping. That's why there are two Mosques on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Since we know that Americans have been worshiping Mammon, which is the god of wealth and it possible that the Muslims want to continue this long history of placing a Mosque directly on top of the destroyed Twin Towers....which served as the symbol of Mammon worship and Wall Street excess?

Watch this video here and decide for yourselves if this guy isn't onto something by recognizing that the nation of Islam is up to no good;

Hat tip to Bob K.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Here are a few videos on youtube that tell the story. They are very obscure but worth the time.

    Adnan Oktar talks with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly.

    The leaders say that the Madhi is here. Remember fist he comes in secret, then he is revealed.

    On another note Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that Imam Mahdi is God!

    The Madhi is God and the prophet Jesus kills all those that will not embrace Islam.

    Man can hasten the emergence of the Mahdi by creating chaos.

    Well That about sums it up....

    I am reading Exekiel this evening.

    Yours in Christ.


  2. Obama Supports Allowing Mosque Near Ground Zero

    While insisting that the place where the twin towers once stood was indeed "hallowed ground," Obama said that the proper way to honor it was to apply American values

    "Our capacity to show not merely tolerance, but respect to those who are different from us - a way of life that stands in stark contrast to the nihilism of those who attacked us on that September morning, and who continue to plot against us today," he said.

    A CNN/Opinion Research poll released this week found that nearly 70 percent of Americans opposed the mosque plan while just 29 percent approved.

    The group behind the $100 million project, the Cordoba Initiative, describes it as a Muslim-themed community center. Early plans call not only for prayer space but for a swimming pool, culinary school, art studios and other features. Developers envision it as a hub for interfaith interaction, as well as a place for Muslims to bridge some of their faith's own schisms.

    See it here:|main|dl1|link3|
