
Monday, June 28, 2010

Israel-USA in "Tectonic rift"

I was just feeling a little more optimistic about USA-Israel relations after hearing about the Senate vote to support Israel and then the G8 discussion which toned down it's pressure on Israel.

And now today we get this information from Israel's ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren.

A senior Israeli diplomat has warned that the Jewish state's relationship with the United States has suffered a "tectonic rift".

The sobering assessment comes a week before Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, meets President Barack Obama at the White House.

There had been hope the two could lay to rest a row that erupted between the two allies in March but the new comments have raised fears of long-term damage.

Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to Washington, told foreign ministry colleagues at a private briefing in Jerusalem that they were facing a long and potentially irrevocable estrangement.

Sources said Mr Oren told the meeting: "There is no crisis in Israel-US relations because in a crisis there are ups and downs. [Instead] relations are in a state of tectonic rift in which continents are drifting apart."

Mr Oren's privately-voiced pessimism stands in stark contrast to public declarations in both Jerusalem and Washington that differences between the two states amount to nothing more than "disagreements" between allies.

See it here;

I think back to that posting from last week where Obama had reportedly told an Egyptian diplomat that he would help the Arabs "handle" Israel after he had fixed some U.S. domestic issues. And then I reflect further on Obama's admission that he sat in church for years under Reverend Wright who is less a minister of the Gospel and more of an Anti-Semite and Black Power advocate....and then wonder if Obama isn't already planning on turning on the Jews and Israel in a rather large way.

God help the USA if that happens.

Pray that the USA will continue to stand with Israel until the Groom (Christ) comes for His Bride (all in-dwelt believers).

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