
Monday, June 21, 2010

Is the U.S. Snakebit?

The editor of Rapture Ready makes some good comments today as he wonders if all of the bad things happening to this country all at once is something more than "coincidence".

As we have said many times, "If you see something that lacks all evidence of logic...there must be something supernatural behind the events."

Here's a short list of the serious problems that seem to be plaguing us all at once....kind of like a perfect storm.

1. We currently have the worst oil spill in our nation’s history. According to government estimates of daily flow figures, anywhere from 73.5 million to 126 million gallons gushed from the breached wellhead—whether that crude spilled into the water or was captured. In case you were wondering, like me, whether the oil might run out, there are still 2.1 billion gallons in the reservoir. The vast majority of the released oil is still in the Gulf. Even if the flow were stopped today, the consequences of the spill would continue to mount for years to come.

2. There has been a spate of negative weather events. Tennessee was hit with a massive amount of rainfall, shattering numerous all-time records. There was also a deluge in western Oklahoma, with Oklahoma City being the hardest hit. Last week, folks in Minnesota saw the most number of tornadoes they had ever seen in a single day: On June 17, there were 31 twisters, topping the old record of 27 set on June 16, 1992. And in Arkansas, just down the road from Terry and me, a flash flood killed more than 20 campers at a state park.

3. It is well known that our federal government is facing a host of debt problems. The financial trouble goes right to the bedrock of our nation. San Diego and Detroit are on opposite scales from each other. The first has an economy-based defense, tech manufacturing, and tourism, while the Second City is a rust-bowl city with heavy ties to the automobile industry. Both cities are on the verge of bankruptcy. San Diego is being weighed down by an under-funded retirement and health system. Detroit is literally rotting away. There are now 10,000 abandoned homes in Detroit that the city managers want to tear down and turn into empty lots.

4. Our foreign policy has become a slow-motion train wreck. The war in Afghanistan is now the longest in our nation’s history. European heads of state are starting to doubt America's ability to be a global leader. Opposition to key aspects of U.S. foreign policy remains pervasive in the Muslim world. While America’s favorability rating in Egypt has dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent, nut jobs like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are able to travel the globe and make new friends simply because they are enemies of the U.S.

See it here;

Strange times indeed. If you throw in just a little more "bad luck" like a solar storm that shuts off the electricity, or a bit of anarchy in California when the food stamp program is reduced, or a powerful earthquake in Missouri that rips up our necessary have the recipe for a lot more change to life as we know it.

But honestly friends....what should we REALLY expect from the God of the Universe when the vast majority of Americans refuse to give Him thanks for our blessings, and seem totally satisfied to stay in absolute ignorance of His Word?

God will not be mocked.


  1. "If you are not seeking the Lord, judgment is at your heels."
    C. H. Spurgeon

  2. Good one! The other one that runs through my mind all the time is, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness...and all these things will be added unto you." That tells me that if we stay focused on God's eternal plan...He will give us everything we need to complete our short mission while we are here on earth. But yet most of us Americans have spent all our waking hours and dollars chasing the American dream of more house, more cars, more toys, more crap!! And few have sought the Lord. How long can that cycle go on??
