
Monday, June 21, 2010

Al-Qaida Warns U.S.

The U.S. nemesis, Al-Qaida, has now issued another video warning the U.S. that new attacks are on their way.

Nothing new there...but it is interesting in that the video seems to be taunting President Obama.

Oh yeah....also notice that tiny Israel is of course mentioned as one of Al-Qaida's main problems.

CAIRO – Al-Qaida's U.S.-born spokesman warned President Barack Obama Sunday that the militant group may launch new attacks that would kill more Americans than previous ones.

In a taunting, 24 minute message that dwelled on Obama's setbacks, including the loss of Massachusetts Senate seat to the Republicans, Adam Gadahn set out al-Qaida's conditions for peace with the U.S., including cutting support for Israel and withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Gadahn's statement was notable for its mocking tone, in which he described Obama as "a devious, evasive and serpentine American president with a Muslim name," and seemed to delight in his setbacks.

"You're no longer the popular man you once were, a year ago or so," he crowed, ascribing his drop in popularity to the escalation of the U.S. wars abroad.

See it here;

I thought Team Obama promised some good new relations with all the enemies that President Bush had reportedly made? I thought he was going to hit the "reset" button and make friends with everyone?

So how come it seems that all of our enemies hate us just as much, or actually more, now that Team Obama has taken over? (insert copious amounts of sarcasm along with a puzzled look and your index finger held to your chin as you read this question)

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