
Monday, June 21, 2010

Israel Increasingly Isolated

Yes,...again!! Israel is front and center in the Opinion section of the Wall Street Journal today.

The nations are wringing their hands about what to do with Israel....and Israel is growing increasingly isolated. Both of these conditions, of course, are spoken of in the Bible as what we should expect to see in the very last days.

Now take note of this one paragraph;

This is something new in the world, this almost complete segregation of Israel in the community of nations. And if Helen Thomas's remarks were pathetic and ugly, didn't they also point to the end game of this isolation effort: the nullification of Israel's legitimacy as a nation? There is a chilling familiarity in all this. One of the world's oldest stories is playing out before our eyes: The Jews are being scapegoated again.

See it here;'s_Most_Popular

Yes, the West has a very serious problem trying to see things clearly. It makes one wonder how long we can survive in a very dangerous world while wearing blinders?

The above article goes on to squarely point out this problem....and also the problem of Middle Eastern hatred. This hatred is part of the human condition and has absolutely nothing to do with Israel and it's occupation. It has EVERYTHING to do with the pathetic condition of the Islamic countries and their refusal to look at themselves as the primary reason for their misery.

Of course, make no mistake. If our condition in the U.S. grows pathetic....we will also look to blame someone else. The whites will blame the blacks, the blacks will blame the Latinos, the U.S. will blame Mexico and China, the Senate will blame the corporations and the corporations will blame the government.

As we's a human condition. And this condition will be unsolvable until the Prince of Peace returns to replace these sinful costumes of meat that we are all wearing around 24-7....and give us new incorruptible ones.

Our problem in the West is understandable. We don't want to lose more moral authority than we already have. So we choose not to see certain things that are right in front of us. For example, we ignore that the Palestinians—and for that matter much of the Middle East—are driven to militancy and war not by legitimate complaints against Israel or the West but by an internalized sense of inferiority. If the Palestinians got everything they want—a sovereign nation and even, let's say, a nuclear weapon—they would wake the next morning still hounded by a sense of inferiority. For better or for worse, modernity is now the measure of man.

And the quickest cover for inferiority is hatred. The problem is not me; it is them. And in my victimization I enjoy a moral and human grandiosity—no matter how smart and modern my enemy is, I have the innocence that defines victims. I may be poor but my hands are clean. Even my backwardness and poverty only reflect a moral superiority, while my enemy's wealth proves his inhumanity.


  1. Hi Dennis

    General Warns Israel about Attacking Lebanese Humanitarian Convoy

    TEHRAN (FNA)- A retired Lebanese General warned Israel against a raid on a convoy of Lebanese ships carrying humanitarian aids for the people in Gaza, stressing that any such move by the regime will be reciprocated with Hezbollah's crushing response.

    We will see if either side will back down.

    yours in Christ.


  2. Tuesday, June 22, 2010 | 14:57 Beirut

    Iran aid ship to leave for Gaza on Sunday

    Tuesday, June 22, 2010 | 15:00 Beirut

    Sarkozy to Netanyahu: Tip us off before attack on Lebanon

    There is a great deal of activity in the press overseas today.


