
Saturday, June 5, 2010

True Colors

Many of you have seen the White House reporter, Helen Thomas. She is a little, old lady who sits in the front row at press conferences and has been a White House reporter for decades.

What she said is the reason that so much of the world blames the Jews for the Mid East problems. Of course when she was caught saying the words she said she regretted them....but no doubt those captured words are showing her true colors regarding Israel.

Israeli Jews should get out of Palestine and go back "home," to Germany and Poland, senior White House Press Corps member Helen Thomas was taped as saying earlier this week, bringing calls for her resignation by Jewish organization B'nai B'rith.

In a recently uploaded Youtube video, Thomas can be heard saying that Israel "should get the hell out of Palestine," adding that the land was Palestinian, "not German, it's not Polish."

When asked where then the Jews should go, the senior White House correspondent said they should "Go home…. To Poland, Germany…and America and everywhere else."

Read it here;

Let's all remember that Jerusalem is named in the Jewish scriptures over 800 times. Let's remember that Solomon built the first Temple there over 3000 years ago. Let's remember that King David bought the property for the Temple Mount before Solomon was born.

Let's also remember that the term "Palestinian" did not even exist until Yassir Arafat coined the term to refer to this particular group of Arabs who had moved into the area responding to an outburst of jobs that had been created when the Jews started returning to the land (which they bought from Arabs) and it began to bloom.

Let's remember that the word "Palestine" was first used by the Romans as a slam to the Jews...because it was a word derived from the ancient Jewish enemy....the Philistines.

1 comment:

  1. Helen Thomas Forced to Retire

    I guess she's been told to "get out and go home" My prayer is that while she is at home that she reads here Bible and finds Jesus.

    Lord meet here where she is.
